Another game I have not been tagged in, and a tag that is already quite old and perhaps not as active, but one I also thought would be fun. Cheerfully stolen by me, the rules for this game are supposed to be as follows: 1. Answer the questions, 2. Link back to the person who tagged you, 3. Tag at least one other blogger to do the tag. I will follow the first one, as I have not been tagged, and don't tag anyone, and rather encourage to do as you please, as well.
1. What was the most recent period drama you watched? Share what you thought of it.
An episode of Poirot, to be honest – or does this mean the most recently released, not the most recently watched? In that case, the newest Emma, which I didn't like at all. Many good elements, but none of them worked together, and while I expected it to be over the top, it turned out to be rather bland.
2. Do you generally prefer period dramas in the form of a movie or a TV series/mini-series? Why?
It depends, but I generally prefer series. I prefer stories to unfold slowly.
3. What is your favorite musical period drama?
I'm not sure – I love musicals and period dramas, but I don't think I have a specific preference for one. Perhaps Mary Poppins?
4. Read the book first or watch the movie first?
Whichever I get around to first. It's really more a matter of mood, and chances. But I am more of a reader, if I have to choose.
5. What is a valuable life lesson you learned from a period drama?
None specifically, except that various period dramas have taught me good moral lessons, and influenced my attitude.
6. Which period drama hero would you be likely to fall in love with in real life?
Siegfried Farnon, Friedrich Bhaer, George Knightley, Colonel Brandon, Lord Peter Wimsey, Lord Walderhurst, . . . more heroes from books that films and television, and I know these are all also from books, but especially with Siegfried (Hardy) and Brandon (Rickman), also very much the screen versions.
7. Do you ever like to binge-watch a period drama series?
Rarely. I simply don't like to binge-watch mostly – except when I do, for some reason.
8. What things go best with watching a period drama?
Tea and some nice treats. Soft blankets. Rain or snow.
9. Which period drama do you think you would fit into best?
All Creatures Great and Small (BBC) or any good Jane Austen adaptation.
10. If you could have any period drama character for a best friend, who would it be? And why?
Oh! I don't know – perhaps... Jeremy Brett's Sherlock Holmes? Or maybe Algernon Moncrieff. Anne Shirley?! Jane Bennet. And, naturally, the whole Skeldale House family!

12. Are there any period dramas you like to watch during a particular season or holiday?
Of course! It's tradition to watch Little Lord Fauntleroy (1980) on the last Friday before Christmas, and it's the only Christmas movie that truly matters. And I love watching the 80s mini series of A Little Princess during Advent, and generally Jane Austen adaptations in spring and summer, and cosy mysteries in autumn.
13. Which period drama has your favorite soundtrack?
So many! All Creatures Great and Small, Little Lord Fauntleroy, Brideshead Revisited, Pride & Prejudice, Sense & Sensibility, various musicals...
14. Dream cast your favorite actor and actress in a period drama of your choosing; tell which parts they would play and why.
Oh, I love doing that sort of thing. But do you mean switching characters in existing period dramas, or entirely different fantasy adaptations, so to speak? I have thought up many adaptations that couldn't happen that way anymore, but I really wish they'd make an adaptation of These Old Shades with Jason Isaacs as Avon, and I am thinking out my ideal version of The Eliots of Damerosehay, and so far have cast Francesca Annis, Michelle Dockery, Anthony Andrews, Miranda Otto and Robert Bathurst.
15. Are there any period dramas you like more than one version of?
Oh, sure. Especially 1996 and 2009 Emma.
16. What are the top three period dramas that you haven't seen on your to-watch list?
I don't think I have such a thing. There are things I'd like to see when I get around to it, but I don't have goals in that sense.

18. What was your favorite wedding in a period drama?
I love the double wedding in Sense & Sensibility (1995). It's such a small scene, but so cheerful and just perfect.
19. What is your favorite biographical period drama?
All Creatures Great and Small, obviously. Otherwise, Elizabeth R is excellent, and I really recommend The Duchess of Duke Street.
20. Which historical novel will you forever recommend to anyone and everyone?
Historical as in set in a now historical period, but can be contemporary for the time it was written? The Herb of Grace and Brideshead Revisited. Actual historical fiction? These Old Shades.
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